Augustine on Order. An International Workshop on Early Christian Philosophy

A two-day international workshop on Augustine’s De ordine will be held in Padua on Thursday 6 and Friday 7 June 2024. The programme will include the following sessions:


Thursday 6 June

Chair: Anna Marmodoro (Durham University)

9:30-11:00            Anne-Isabelle Bouton-Touboulic (Université de Lille), The order of Providence in Augustine’s De ordine

11:00-11:30         Break

11:30-13:00         Lenka Karfíková (Univerzita Karlova, Praha), Occultus ordo? Licentius and Augustine on the Order in the Dialogue De ordine

Chair: George Boys-Stones (University of Toronto)

15:00-16:30         Anna Marmodoro (Durham University), All you need is love. Augustine’s On Order

16:30-17:00         Break

17:00-18:30         Gretchen Reydams-Schils (University of Notre Dame), Augustine and Stoic Providence


Friday 7 June

Chair: Vito Limone (Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele)

9:00-10:30            Therese Fuhrer (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München), Ratio in dialogue: The Artes liberales and their practical implementation in Augustine’s De ordine

10:30-11:00         Break

11:00-12:30         Dawn LaValle Norman (Australian Catholic University), Monica as Philosopher in Augustine’s De Ordine and the Problem of Precedents

Chair: Enrico Moro (Università di Padova)

14:00-15:30         Giovanni Catapano (Università di Padova), Metaphilosophy in Augustine’s De ordine

15:30-16:00         Break

16:00-17:30         Erik Kenyon (Friends Academy, N. Dartmouth, MA), The Joy of Geometry: Delectas in De ordine and De quantitate animae 5-25

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The venue will be the Seminar Room of the Palazzo del Capitanio (Piazza Capitaniato 3).

For further information, please contact Anna Marmodoro or Enrico Moro.

The workshop is funded by the FISPPA Department and the PhD Course in Philosophy at the University of Padua, with the additional support of the CIRFIM Centre.

Download the poster here.
